You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We can either refund your complete order (less the shipping costs) or replace the damaged product with the same item. If you received any of our memorials damaged via shipping or within 30 days of purchase, please contact us for return authorization. Personalized Memorial ProductsĪll shipped products ordered which have been personalized with specific wording and/or photo are NOT refundable since we are not able to reuse them in any way. The buyer will need to pay for return shipping costs as well as a 10% restocking fee. Please contact us via email or by phone 1-80 to initiate your refund process. If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment in 7-10 business days after we have received the returned product. Exact timeframe is dependent upon your bank. PLEASE allow up to 7-10 days for the refund to be placed back into the original method of payment. You will be refunded back to the same form of payment used in the original transaction. The buyer is responsible for all shipping costs in returns.

You must contact us in writing via our contact us page prior to the return to obtain a return approval authorization code. Shipped products are given a full refund (less shipping cost) and returnable in good condition in its original packaging within 10 days of purchase if they are not personalized. For Shipped Memorial Products With No Personalization Products